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Friday, March 31, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Does gender effect your sleep?
- MEN need 6.2 hours of sleep while WOMEN report they need 6.8 hours to do their best.
- MEN tend to have more sleep apnea, while WOMEN tend to have more insomnia
- MEN tend to stay up later and WOMEN tend to get up earlier and are morning people
- WOMEN tend to get more of a deeper sleep than men and wake up fewer times during the night
- WOMEN tend to be less effected by loss of sleep when it comes to mental exams vs. men
- WOMEN fall asleep in 9.3 minutes and MEN typically take 23.2 minutes to fall asleep
- · Learn your sleep position and get into that position once you get into bed. Take some deep breathes, relax and your body will think it is time to go to sleep
- · Skip the afternoon coffee treats and remember that caffeine can effect you for up to 8 hours after consumption.
- · Go right to bed when you are tired. Don’t sit and work at the computer or watch TV for another hour . It doesn’t matter if it’s still light out, or if it is 2 hours early… when your body says sleep, it’s time.
- · Exercise early and eat early. Exercising at night gets you reved up and eating late keeps your body working to digest and absorb and that tends to keep you up.
Posted by
6:31 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Request or Demand
· Old patterns: Many people feel uncomfortable asking for their needs because they have been told it is not okay to ask, or perhaps they were told that they were undeserving, or for many they believe there will be negative effects of asking for needs. Some people feel they can’t ask for their needs because it is demanding something that they don’t deserve.
· Unclear desires: Many people have difficulty asking for what they need because they are unclear on the specifics of what they really want. When you make vague requests people are uncertain what you really want or need.
· Destructive thoughts: Many people don’t ask for their needs because they create destructive thought patterns in their heads that limit their ability to ask. Some it is self-centered to ask for your needs, or that people should know what you want without asking. Others assume that someone would say “no” so why even ask, while others don’t want to feel needy or appear weak.
You mentioned some people confuse demands with requests. What is the difference between demands and requests?
· Request: There is an understanding that with a request a person has a right to choose to say “Yes” or “No”. With a request there is the understanding that there is no fear, shame or guilt involved no matter what the answer
· Demand: A demand implies there is a threat or that something negative will happen in some form of retribution.
· In fact the key word is FREE… a request is where someone feels free to ask no matter what the answer vs. demand that holds no freedom on ransom.
· Be specific. If you want help with a task, be sure you are specific about the specifics about the task. Break it down and tell them exactly what you’d like and when you would like help.
· Remember if it is a request, the person may say no and it is important that you have a back up plan or strategy
· You have a right to make a request. Remember that if you receive a NO… the message is about the sender and not about you.
Posted by
10:19 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Kokology- Clear Blue Skies
Here's another example of Kokology, a Japanese projective test that tells you a little about some of your hidden gifts.
This one is called "Clear Blue Skies."
Imagine a clear blue sky tonight, without a cloud to be found. Imagine what is below your clear blue sky and pick the landscape that is the most calming and relaxing for you.
* A snowy expanse
* A blue seascape
* A green mountain
* A field of yellow flowers
Which one did you chose?
* A snowy expanse: You have a special sensitivity that lets you see complex situations in a glance and determine the root of the concerns. You have what it takes to be a great decision-maker and you are a visionary. Trust your intuition and that will guide you well
* A blue seascape: You have a natural talent for relationships and people respect your ability to communicate as you bring people together. You help others work together smoothly and you are an invaluable part of a team. When you compliment people it means the world to them
* A green mountain: Your gift is expressive communication. You always seem to be able to understand how people feel and you can help them articulate how they feel. You always seem to be able to help others find their way.
* A field of yellow flowers: You are a storehouse of knowledge and creativity and you are always bursting with ideas. You never stop working on your dreams and there is nothing you can't achieve.
So did these fit for you? Remember, there is something wonderful in each of you, if you will just look inside and see what's inside.
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3:05 AM
Sunday, March 5, 2017
De-Stress Your Life
· People who experience “good” stress have increased blood flow and our muscles and limbs meet the challenge. The perfect example of “good” stress on a body is aerobic exercise.
· “Good” stress tends to push us to meet mental challenges, be creative and can create opportunities for us to exceed our normal functioning at rest.
What does bad stress do to us?
· Physical: It constricts our blood vessels, it raises our blood pressure and we tend to feel dizzy
· Reactions: Many people have lapses in judgement, make poor choices, raise their voices & feel angry, feel cold in their extremities as blood flows to other parts of their body
· Mental: Creates heightened anxiety that tends to create ruminating thoughts, thoughts of horror & fear, and the inability to concentrate.
· Evaluating the situation. 56% of those who were aware and acknowledged their stressor found that it reduced the stress level. When we ignore symptoms our body builds up the stressors and it can be destructive to our physical and mental health
· Knowing your weaknesses. 52% of the study noted that just knowing what stressed them out was helpful to avoid concerns.
· Recharge: 38% of the respondents said that focusing on recharging was helpful to lowering stress. Recharging included doing things such as exercise, relaxing, or doing something fun.
· Therapy can teach you Proven techniques: Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises and learning techniques of biofeedback have proven to be exceptional methods for lowering stress. These techniques can be learned in therapy and become useful ways to lower stress whenever and wherever it is experienced.
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12:12 PM