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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Teen Years Explained

A new book has just been released dealing with some of the common myths about teens. The book looks quite interesting.

Here are some excerpt from the book...

Popular Myths about Teenagers:

Myth: Teens are bigger risk-takers and thrill-seekers than adults. Fact: Teens perceive more risk than adults do in certain areas, such as the chance of getting into an accident if they drive with a drunk driver.

Myth: Young people only listen to their friends. Fact: Young people report that their parents or a caring adult are their greatest influence - especially when it comes to sexual behavior.

Myth: Adolescents live to push your buttons. Fact: Adolescents may view conflict as a way of expressing themselves, while adults take arguments personally.

Myth: When you're a teenager, you can eat whatever you want and burn it off. Fact: Obesity rates have tripled for adolescents since 1980.

Myth: Teens don't need sleep. Fact: Teens need as much sleep or more than they got as children - 9 to 10 hours is optimum.

To read the article about the new publication go to:

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