Americans Are Experiencing Stress Overload: Here's Some Tips To Keep You Sane
The first week of December the American Psychological Association reported that 80% of Americans report they are stressed about their financial status. Tonight we will investigate the results of the survey and give you some tips to finding some balance in this chaotic world.
Can you tell us a little more about the new study reported by the American Psychological Association?
• 7000 Americans were involved in this study and it is reported that within the past 5 months anxiety about the economy has risen from 68% to 80%.
• 50% of the responders said they are concerned about being able to provide for their family and their basic needs.
• 56% reported they are worried about job stability and fear losing their job without notice.
• Women have a higher anxiety rate than men because they feel the pressure to make finances and budget demands fall on them
• Americans are facing emotional and physical effects related to the economy downturn.
You mentioned Americans are facing emotional and physical effects. What are researchers discovering?
• Anxiety disorders and mood disorders (depression) are at a dramatic increase
• Suicides rates are up and hospitals and help lines are feeling the change
• Americans report being more irritable and angry than ever before
• Responders say they are having difficulty with sleeping and are having experiencing increased fatigue with a lack of concentration
What are some things we can do to manage some of our anxiety?
• Create a budget for 2009. The key is to be as specific as possible and make sure your budget includes weekly and month targets. Dedicate yourself to sticking to your budget and stay away from frivolous spending patterns.
• Talk with your family about ways to save money and try to brainstorm some ways that everyone can chip in and help the family.
• Look at your life in the big picture. Witness the things in your life that make you grateful (health, housing, having your basic needs met, etc).
• Remember that through adversity we have the opportunity to become stronger.