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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Seeking a New Job?
Perhaps you are seeking your first job, or your company is downsizing and you are looking for a secure position in another firm, or you just want to look for a new position. Tonight we will look at some tips you need to keep in mind as you look for that new job.
Have things changed for new graduates look for their first job?
There was a time you could control your references, but Career Builders says with social networking, things have changed
• Employers are checking places like Facebook and contacting people without your permission
• Employers are checking out your contacts and emailing them asking for information and the dirt on you
• There’s nothing unethical about this because your information is in the public domain
• Employers are looking for those interesting pictures and quotes you use on these social networking sites to discover the “real” you vs the one who shows up for interviews.
What are some common mistakes people make in their resumes?
• Not using keywords. In totals world, resumes in big companies are scanned for keywords that narrow down choices. Look for words that are used in the companies web pages or ads to assist your resume being seen
• Always proofread. Typos and grammatical errors are key factors for your resume landing in the trash. It says you don’t care about your work or you don’t care about the impression you are making
• Know your employer. Show why you are the perfect match for the job—and show how your talents fit into their needs.
Any other key tips for those creating their resumes?
• Visual appearances are important. This is an employers first impression so make that resume stand out with bulleted lists and plenty of white space and subheadings. Leave out the bright colors and distracting fonts if you want the job
• Lying can kill your chances. Everyone embellishes a little, but lying typically comes out in the long run and it will destroy your chance for the job or ever moving up in the company since you will have lost your credibility.
**tips Career Builders
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3:39 PM